March Brentwood Steering Committee Meeting

 Time: Wednesday March 5 at 7:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Brentwood Steering Committee Meeting

1. Welcome

2. Minutes  - Approval of January/February Meeting minutes

3.  New Business
   a.  Discussion of Short Term Rental Ordinanaces
   b.   Discussion of new ordinance to on building 16  units on an acre without flood control
   c.   Report on General Meeting and Election of Officers
   d.  Report on “It’s My Park Day”
   e.  In person Meetings?

4. Old Business 

5. Committee Report
    a. Transportation
    b. Finance
    c. Communication
    d. Public Safety
    e. Zoning/Land Use -  
    f. ANC  
   g.  Parks and Rec

Membership only  $10/Household or $5/Senior Citizens. Your membership fee helps fund annual events and neighborhood endeavors. Our neighborhood is bounded by Justin Lane, 45th Street, Lamar Blvd, and Burnet Road. All residents are welcome to join the BNA.

As a member of the Brentwood Neighborhood Association, you are also welcome to attend the SteeringCommittee's regular monthly meetings. They are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.via Zoom. The Zoom link will be distributed on the neighborhood list-serve and the website. You must bean authenticated zoom user to join. If you have any issues that you want added to the agenda, please contact us at

February General Meeting


The   Brentwood Annual Membership Meeting
Tuesday February 25th at 7pm
Lion's Club 1103 Justin Lane
Special Guest
District 7 Council Member
Mike Siegel

Come meet and greet our new Council member Mike Siegel.
BNA members will elect officers and a steering committee to serve in
2025. Any changes to the Bylaws will be put to a vote and we will review
our achievements over the past year.
Election of Officers and Steering Committe will be held. The Slate for 2025:
Officers: President: Bill Spiesman Vice-President: Joe Goessling, Treasurer:
Angie Ward,Secretary: Diane Larson Steering Committee: Lisa Boone, Joe
Sawicki, Bill Morgan, Barbara McArthur, 3 open positions!
Officers and the steering committee are elected in February for a one-year
term. If you are interested in serving, please contact brentwood.austin@ This is a great way to learn about the issues affecting your
neighborhood, to work to improve your neighborhood, and to meet others
and have fun.
The Annual Meeting is an excellent time to renew your annual dues or
join for the first time - only $10/Household or $5/Senior Citizens. Your
membership fee helps fund annual events and neighborhood endeavors.
Our neighborhood is bounded by Justin Lane, 45th Street, Lamar Blvd, and
Burnet Road. All residents are welcome to join the BNA.
As a member of the Brentwood Neighborhood Association, you are also
welcome to attend the Steering Committee's regular monthly meetings.
They are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom
or in person. The Zoom link will be distributed on the neighborhood list-
serve and the website.

January Brentwood Steering Committee Meeting

Time: January 15, 2024 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 836 2230 5658
Passcode: 010260

Find your local number:

Only authenticated ZOOM users can join.

1. Welcome
2. Minutes  - Approval of December Meeting minutes
3.  New Business
   a.  Planning for February General Meeting
   b.   Planning for February Newsletter
4. Old Business 
   a. Report on Luminarias
5. Committee Report
    a. Transportation
    b. Finance
    c. Communication
    d. Public Safety
    e. Zoning/Land Use -  Grover rezoning; rezoning of just rezoned properties on William Holland-                Houston-Clay 49th street rezoning
    f. ANC

g. Parks and Rec – 

Membership only  $10/Household or $5/Senior Citizens. Your membership fee helps fund annual events and neighborhood endeavors. Our neighborhood is bounded by Justin Lane, 45th Street, Lamar Blvd, and Burnet Road. All residents are welcome to join the BNA.

As a member of the Brentwood Neighborhood Association, you are also welcome to attend the SteeringCommittee's regular monthly meetings. They are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.via Zoom. The Zoom link will be distributed on the neighborhood list-serve and the website. You must bean authenticated zoom user to join. If you have any issues that you want added to the agenda, please contact us at

December Steering Committee Meeting

 Time: Wednesday December 4 at 7:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Topic: Brentwood Steering Committee Meeting
Time: December 4, 2024 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 875 8721 8076
Passcode: 257937

One tap mobile
+13462487799,,87587218076#,,,,*257937# US (Houston)
+17193594580,,87587218076#,,,,*257937# US
Meeting ID: 875 8721 8076
Passcode: 257937
Find your local number:
Only authenticated ZOOM users can join.

1. Welcome
2. Minutes  - Approval of November Meeting minutes
3.  New Business
   a.  Planning for Luminarias - Continued
4. Old Business 
5. Committee Report
    a. Transportation
    b. Finance
    c. Communication
    d. Public Safety
    e. Zoning/Land Use -  Grover rezoning; rezoning of just rezoned properties on William Holland-                Houston-Clay 49th street rezoning
    f. ANC

g. Parks and Rec – 

Membership only  $10/Household or $5/Senior Citizens. Your membership fee helps fund annual events and neighborhood endeavors. Our neighborhood is bounded by Justin Lane, 45th Street, Lamar Blvd, and Burnet Road. All residents are welcome to join the BNA.

As a member of the Brentwood Neighborhood Association, you are also welcome to attend the SteeringCommittee's regular monthly meetings. They are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.via Zoom. The Zoom link will be distributed on the neighborhood list-serve and the website. You must bean authenticated zoom user to join. If you have any issues that you want added to the agenda, please contact us at

November Brentwood Steering Committee Meeting

  Time: Wednesday November 6 at 7:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Topic: Brentwood Steering Committee Meeting
Time: Nov 6, 2024 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

One tap mobile
+13462487799,,84887912706#,,,,*675403# US (Houston)
+17193594580,,84887912706#,,,,*675403# US
Meeting ID: 848 8791 2706
Passcode: 675403

Only authenticated ZOOM users can join.

1. Welcome

2. Minutes  - Approval of October Meeting minutes

3.  New Business
   a.  Planning for Luminarias

4. Old Business
    a.  It's my Park Day Report  (including installation of new picnic tables)
    b.. Oktoberfest Report
    c.   Police Chief Joint meeting report
5. Committee Report
    a. Transportation
    b. Finance
    c. Communication
    d. Public Safety
    e. Zoning/Land Use -  Grover rezoning; rezoning of just rezoned properties on William Holland-                Houston-Clay
    f. ANC

g. Parks and Rec – 

Membership only  $10/Household or $5/Senior Citizens. Your membership fee helps fund annual events and neighborhood endeavors. Our neighborhood is bounded by Justin Lane, 45th Street, Lamar Blvd, and Burnet Road. All residents are welcome to join the BNA.

As a member of the Brentwood Neighborhood Association, you are also welcome to attend the SteeringCommittee's regular monthly meetings. They are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.via Zoom. The Zoom link will be distributed on the neighborhood list-serve and the website. You must bean authenticated zoom user to join. If you have any issues that you want added to the agenda, please contact us at

Brentwood Steering October Meeting

 Time: Wednesday October 2  at 7:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 830 9631 5687
Passcode: 624043
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Only authenticated ZOOM users can join.

1. Welcome

2. Minutes  - Approval of September Meeting minutes

3.  New Business
   A.  Oktoberfest
   B.  It's my Park Day
   C.   Joint meeting with Crestivew and the new police chief on October 24th at 7pm
          (The Parish Hall at the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection, 2008 Justin Ln)
   D.  Report on Candidate Forum

4. Old Business
     A.   Brentwood Park Improvements (picnic tables) moving forward 

5. Committee Report
a. Transportation
b. Finance
c. Communication
d. Public Safety
e. Zoning/Land Use - 
f. ANC

g. Parks and Rec – Membership only  $10/Household or $5/Senior Citizens. Your membership fee helps fund annual events and neighborhood endeavors. Our neighborhood is bounded by Justin Lane, 45th Street, Lamar Blvd, and Burnet Road. All residents are welcome to join the BNA.

As a member of the Brentwood Neighborhood Association, you are also welcome to attend the SteeringCommittee's regular monthly meetings. They are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.via Zoom. The Zoom link will be distributed on the neighborhood list-serve and the website. You must bean authenticated zoom user to join. If you have any issues that you want added to the agenda, please contact us at

Brentwood Steering Committe September Meeting

Time: Wednesday September 4 at 7:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Time: Sep 4, 2024 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 816 9333 1913
Passcode: 614357
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,81693331913#,,,,*614357# US (Houston)
Find your local number:

Only authenticated ZOOM users can join.

1. Welcome

2. Minutes  - Approval of August Meeting minutes

3.  New Business

   A.  Report on Labor Day parade
   B.  Planning a Neighborhood Social for Brentwood and Crestview
   C.  Oktoberfest?
4. Old Business
    A.  Planning for Candidate Forum - 
                    Location:  Sanctuary of the Faith Lutheran Church at 6600 Woodrow Ave. 
                    Date: Monday, September 16, 2024
                    Time:               Mayor's Race: 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
                                            D7 Race: 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm
     B.   Brentwood Park Improvements (picnic tables) moving forward 
5. Committee Report

a. Transportation
b. Finance
c. Communication
d. Public Safety
e. Zoning/Land Use - 
f. ANC
g. Parks and Rec – 
Membership only  $10/Household or $5/Senior Citizens. Your membership fee helps fund annual events and neighborhood endeavors. Our neighborhood is bounded by Justin Lane, 45th Street, Lamar Blvd, and Burnet Road. All residents are welcome to join the BNA.

As a member of the Brentwood Neighborhood Association, you are also welcome to attend the SteeringCommittee's regular monthly meetings. They are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.via Zoom. The Zoom link will be distributed on the neighborhood list-serve and the website. You must bean authenticated zoom user to join. If you have any issues that you want added to the agenda, please contact us at