BNA Steering Committee Agenda for May

Wednesday, May 1, 2019
7:00 pm at the Lions Club (1103 Justin Lane)
 1. Welcome
 2. Additions to Agenda/Guests
-   Integral Care Addressing  La Paloma Housing on Woodrow
 3. Old Business
- Approval of Previous SC Minutes

 4. New Business
- Arroyo Cleanup
- New CodeNEXT City Council Policy Direction Impacting Brentwood
5. Committee Reports
- Transportation
- Finance
- Communication
- Police
- Zoning/Land Use
2019-029325 NP – 5606 Roosevelt
                               Amend the Neighborhood Plan from multi-family 
                                            to commercial
2019-029342 ZC – 5606 Roosevelt
                                Rezone the Property from MF-3 (apartments) 
                                             to GR (Community Commercial)
                        2019-010942 SP– 1514 W Koenig
                                 Replace an existing building with office and Parking
                        2019-034162 ZC– 2106 Payne
                                 Rezone from SF-3 (single-family home/duplex) 
                                             to LO (Limited Office)
                    (for more information go to the city website and enter the case numbers)
            -  ANC
-  Parks and Recs
 6.  Adjourn

BNA Steering Committee Meeting for April

BNA Steering Committee  Agenda for April
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
7:00 pm at the Lions Club (1103 Justin Lane)
 1. Welcome
 2. Additions to Agenda/Guests
-       Madge Whistler, Project Transitions - Roosevelt Property Redevelopment Update
 3. Old Business
       Approval of Previous SC Minutes

 4. New Business
-       Austin Strategic Mobility Plan
-       Land Development Policy Memo from Spencer Cronk
 5. Committee Reports
-       Transportation
-       Finance
             -      Communication
-       Police
-       Zoning/Land Use
2019-029325 NP – 5606 Roosevelt
                                    Amend the Neighborhood Plan from multi-family to commercial
2019-029342 ZC – 5606 Roosevel
                                    Rezone the Property from MF-3 (apartments) to GR (Community Commercial)
                          2019-010942 SP– 1514 W Koenig
                  Replace an existing building with office and Parking
2019-034162 ZC– 2106 Payne
                  Rezone from SF-3 (single-family home/duplex) to LO (Limited Office)
-       ANC

-      Parks and Recs

 6.  Adjourn