September Brentwood Steering Committee Meeting

Wednesday, September 2, 2020, 7pm

Zoom Meeting ID: 844 2059 5907
Passcode: 219815



1. Welcome

2. Old Business

-        Approval of August SC minutes

            -        Listserv switch to Google Group (Yahoo Group access ending 8/31/20)

3. New Business

-        Google Fiber coming to south Brentwood

            -        Water reservoir construction/traffic impacts

            -        Updates on Burnet Rd (Local Post) development

            -        October Newsletter


4. Committee Reports

-        Transportation 

-        Finance

-        Communication

-        Police

-        Zoning/Land Use

-        ANC

-        Parks and Rec

 5.  Adjournment 


BNA Steering Committee for August

Brentwood Neighborhood Meeting
Wednesday, August 5, 2020, 7pm
Zoom Meeting ID: 818 8307 0263
Passcode: 318279

1. Welcome
2. Old Business
-        Approval of July SC minutes
            -        Burnet Rd. development-on Council agenda
             -        Listserv switch to Google Group (Yahoo Group access ending 8/31/20)
3. New Business
-        Brentwood Anti-Racist Group (BARG)
-        New City of Austin tree removal policies
-        Speeding on Woodrow-Erin Becker
4. Committee Reports
-        Transportation 
-        Finance
-        Communication
-        Police
-        Zoning/Land Use
-        ANC
-        Parks and Rec
 5.  Adjournment