BNA February Steering Committee Agenda

Please notice: this month's Steering Commitee meeting will not be held at our usual location, due to a conflict. The meeting on 02/01/17 will be held in the Conference Room at the Austin First Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

Brentwood Steering Committee Meeting Agenda
February 1, 2017
Austin First Cumberland Presbyterian Church at 6800 Woodrow Avenue at 7pm.
1. Welcome
2. Additions to Agenda/Guests
3. Old Business
•    1301 W. Koenig Lane
•    Brentwood Playground Improvements
•    Approval of January Minutes

4. New Business
•    General Membership Meeting agenda - 02/22/17
•    Austin Classical School CUP
•    Houston Street Speeding/Traffic Calming
•    Newsletter Editor

5. Committee Reports
A. Transportation
B. Finance
C. Communication
D. Police
E. Zoning
G. Arroyo Seco

6. Adjourn

Lamar Middle School Musical

BNA January 2017 SC Meeting Agenda

Brentwood Steering Committee Meeting Agenda
January 4, 2017  7:00 p.m.
North Austin Lions Club (1103 Justin Ln)
1. Welcome
2. Additions to Agenda/Guests
·        John Richberg - stop sign at Jim Hogg and Arroyo Seco
3. Old Business     
·         BNA Slate of Officers and SC
·         1301 W. Koenig Lane – Planning Commission Report
·         Approval of December Minutes
4. New Business
·         Newsletter Schedule & Articles
·         General Membership Meeting - 02/15/16?
·         ANC Annual Dues
·         Arroyo Seco Trail Dedication – Consider Date and Details
5. Committee Reports
A.    Transportation
B.    Finance
C.    Communication
D.    Police
E.    Zoning
F.    ANC
G.    Arroyo Seco
6. Adjourn