Brentwood Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Website

Brentwood Neighborhood Plan Contact Team

A new website has been created to provide information and public outreach regarding the Brentwood Neighborhood Plan Contact Team. The Brentwood Neighborhood Plan was adopted on August 15, 2006 by the BNPCT. The website includes Bylaws, Contacts, Team Member listing and links to many resources related to Brentwood and neighborhood plans, in general. Learn more at

Announcement for 2016: Steering Committee Minutes to be Published Online

In order to improve transparency and give residents access to information, we will be posting minutes from the monthly Steering Committee Meetings for the Brentwood Neighborhood Association on this website.  We understand that people are not always able to attend the open meetings, so we want to be proactive and post records of these monthly events starting in 2016.  Once the Minutes have been approved, we will add a PDF record to our BNA Steering Committee webpage

BNA April 6 Steering Committee Agenda

Brentwood Steering Committee Meeting Agenda
April 6, 2016 7:00 p.m.
North Austin Lions Club (1103 Justin Ln)
1. Welcome
2. Additions to Agenda/Guests/Speakers
  • Lauren Van Ert – Proposition 1
3. Old Business
  • Arroyo Seco Bench Plaques
  • Violet Crown Spring Festival
  • RPP checks for Ullrich
  • Neighborhood Partnering Program – Pocket Park
  • Approval of February and March Minutes
4. New Business
·         Brentwood Signs
·         Bylaws Amendment
·         Newsletter Article Policy – for-profit business articles
·         Plan for Spring GM Meeting
·         STR Letter to Neighborhood Associations
·         ANC Sector 2 Meeting Report
·         Zoning at 4705 Burnet Road
5. Committee Reports

A. Transportation
B. Finance
C. Information
D. Police Relations
E. Zoning
G. Arroyo Seco

6. Adjourn