VMU Development Proposed in Brentwood

ALERT/UPDATE: We will have another meeting with the Developers on Thursday, April 21st at 6pm at 5350 Burnet Road (meet outside along Burnet in "paseo" next to leasing office). If you are interested or affected by this project, please plan to attend this important follow-up meeting. It will be the principal venue to have your concerns heard regarding the zoning and related land use issues at the onset of this proposed project. For more information, see post that follows...

Please see the City Notice regarding the application for re-zoning at http://main.org/brentwood/2011%20Documents/VMU%20(Ardent)%204-2011.pdf. See the map above; the section shown outlined in blue is portion of the tract seeking re-zoning. The yellow outlined area is already zoned for Vertical Mixed Use (VMU).

We met with the applicant (Ardent Development) at last week's Steering Committee meeting where they made a presentation and answered questions. They recently completed a vertical mixed use development at 5350 Burnet Road, which will be of similar scope and scale as the proposed development. They also did the project called Post West Austin at 4330 Bull Creek (visible from MoPac). See their website at:

IMPORTANT: We are seeking input from residents on Clay and Adams (in particular) to voice any concerns they have NOW before the neighborhood association takes any formal action. The applicant is willing to have another meeting with concerned neighbors (in addition to meeting already held) to address any issues that might be forthcoming. Please let me know ASAP if you are interested in attending a meeting with the applicants and I will get something set up.

Don Leighton-Burwell, BNA President