Original NTA Report: http://main.org/brentwood/2012%20Documents/Burnet%20Park%20NTA%20(SP-2011-0153C).pdf
From: Jarvis, Shandrian <Shandrian.Jarvis@austintexas.gov>
Date: Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 2:10 PM
Subject: RE: Burnet Road - Appeal
To: Sam <seshore@gmail.com>
Cc: "Almazan, Joe" <Joe.Almazan@austintexas.gov>, "Hoelter, Nikki" <Nikki.Hoelter@austintexas.gov>, "Jain, Sangeeta" <Sangeeta.Jain@austintexas.gov>, "Zapalac, George" <George.Zapalac@austintexas.gov>, "Guernsey, Greg" <Greg.Guernsey@austintexas.gov>
Date: Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 2:10 PM
Subject: RE: Burnet Road - Appeal
To: Sam <seshore@gmail.com>
Cc: "Almazan, Joe" <Joe.Almazan@austintexas.gov>, "Hoelter, Nikki" <Nikki.Hoelter@austintexas.gov>, "Jain, Sangeeta" <Sangeeta.Jain@austintexas.gov>, "Zapalac, George" <George.Zapalac@austintexas.gov>, "Guernsey, Greg" <Greg.Guernsey@austintexas.gov>
Mr. Shore,
In order to mitigate the traffic impacts to Adams Avenue that were identified in the Neighborhood Traffic Analysis (NTA) for the Burnet Park site (attached), the applicant will widen the pavement from the northern property line of the site to Burnet Road, from 27 to 30 feet. This roadway modification is allowed under Land Development Code section 25-6-142.
It is my understanding that additional traffic-related improvements were previously discussed with other City staff that included extending sidewalks to Ulrich, installing bike lanes on Burnet Road, and a installing a traffic signal at the intersection of Burnet Road and Adams Avenue. Requiring the extension of sidewalks beyond the proposed site and the installation of bike lanes along Burnet Road goes beyond what we can legally require as conditions of site plan approval for this site. Any required improvements by the applicant would need to be balanced with the traffic impacts from the proposed site.
The Austin Transportation Department analyzed the intersection of Burnet Road and Adams Avenue and determined that the intersection did not currently meet warrants for a traffic signal and would not be expected to meet warrants with the development of the Burnet Park site. Therefore, we cannot require the applicant to contribute to a signal at the intersection at this time.
Feel free to contact me if you have additional questions regarding the transportation review of this case.
Shandrian Jarvis, AICP
Senior Planner
Planning & Development Review Department
505 Barton Springs Rd., 4th floor
Tel: (512) 974-2628
Fax: (512) 974-3010