BNA January 2017 SC Meeting Agenda

Brentwood Steering Committee Meeting Agenda
January 4, 2017  7:00 p.m.
North Austin Lions Club (1103 Justin Ln)
1. Welcome
2. Additions to Agenda/Guests
·        John Richberg - stop sign at Jim Hogg and Arroyo Seco
3. Old Business     
·         BNA Slate of Officers and SC
·         1301 W. Koenig Lane – Planning Commission Report
·         Approval of December Minutes
4. New Business
·         Newsletter Schedule & Articles
·         General Membership Meeting - 02/15/16?
·         ANC Annual Dues
·         Arroyo Seco Trail Dedication – Consider Date and Details
5. Committee Reports
A.    Transportation
B.    Finance
C.    Communication
D.    Police
E.    Zoning
F.    ANC
G.    Arroyo Seco
6. Adjourn