BNA Annual Meeting and Election

The annual General Membership meeting  will be held Wednesday February 26, 2019 at 7:00 pm at the North Austin Lions Club at 1103 Justin Lane.   The focus of our meeting will be the Brentwood Park Improvements and the CodeNEXT Land use revision text and map.  We will also review our achievements over the past year.     We will also vote on the Election of Officers and Steering Committee Members.    Officers and the steering committee are elected in February for a one-year term.   

The Annual Meeting is an excellent opportunity to renew your annual dues or join for the first time - only $10/Household or $5/Senior Citizens.  Your membership helps fund annual events and neighborhood endeavors, such as the Violet Crown Festival, Brentwood park improvements, the poop stations and walk and bike  trail and benches along Arroyo Seco. 

Our neighborhood is bounded by Justin Lane, 45th Street, Lamar Boulevard and Burnet Road.  All residents are welcome to join the BNA.  Learn more about Membership options here:  As a member of the Brentwood Neighborhood Association, you are also welcome to attend the Steering Committee's regular monthly meetings.  They are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the North Austin Lions Club on 1103 Justin Lane.

BNA Steering Committee Meeting for February

Wednesday, February 5, 2020
7:00 pm at the Lions Club (1103 Justin Lane)
 1. Welcome
 2. Additions to Agenda/Guests/Critical updates
-        CodeNext – New Maps further impact Brentwood
-        Update: AISD plan for Brentwood
 3. Old Business
-        Approval of Previous SC Minutes
-        Transition to Google List-serve
-        2106 Payne – commercial rezoning push by city
-        General Membership Meeting in Feb
-        Future of Poop station south of Koenig
4. New Business
-        TBD
5. Committee Reports
-        Transportation
-        Finance
-        Communication
-        Police
-        Zoning/Land Use
-        ANC
-        Parks and Recs
 6.  Adjournment