BNA Steering Committee Meeting for February

Wednesday, February 5, 2020
7:00 pm at the Lions Club (1103 Justin Lane)
 1. Welcome
 2. Additions to Agenda/Guests/Critical updates
-        CodeNext – New Maps further impact Brentwood
-        Update: AISD plan for Brentwood
 3. Old Business
-        Approval of Previous SC Minutes
-        Transition to Google List-serve
-        2106 Payne – commercial rezoning push by city
-        General Membership Meeting in Feb
-        Future of Poop station south of Koenig
4. New Business
-        TBD
5. Committee Reports
-        Transportation
-        Finance
-        Communication
-        Police
-        Zoning/Land Use
-        ANC
-        Parks and Recs
 6.  Adjournment