March 4, 2020
7:00 pm
at the Lions Club (1103 Justin Lane)
1. Welcome
2. Old Business
- Approval
of Previous SC Minutes
- Transition
to Google List-serve
- 2106
Payne – commercial rezoning
Chimney Swift Tower at Brentwood Elementary
3. New Business
- Goals
for 2020
- Steering
Call for people to join committees
April agenda possible visitors - Project Connect and Smart
Trips Austin
Homeless encampment on Ruth
Redevelopment of Miguel's Imports 5209 Burnet Road
Update on 7113 Burnet Road redevelopment rezoning request
Neighborhood Sign Cleanup - Burnet and Koenig
4. Committee Reports
- Transportation
- Finance
- Communication
- Police
- Zoning/Land
- Parks
and Recs
5. Adjournment