1. Welcome
2. Minutes - Approval of October Meeting minutes
3. New Business
A.Public Citizen talking about: update to the Austin Energy Resource, Generation and Climate Protection Plan
B. It's My Park Day - Saturday November 4th
C. Leslie Pool's resolution for 3 units on every lot and small lots and RV's as str's; and removal of local occupancy regulations
Neighbors input into 3 zoning cases in Brentwood
A. 5514 Grover, 5515 Roosevelt and Houston
The Applicant is proposing to rezone approximately 2.3313 acres from SF-3-NP; MF-4-NP to MF-6-NP.
1)Zoning Case Number: C14-2023-0065
2) Neighborhood Plan Amendment Number: NPA-2023-0018.03
B. 1902, 1904 and 1906 Ullrich and 1911, 2001, 2003, 2005 and 2007 Koenig
1) Zoning Case Number: C14-2023-0019
2) Neighborhood Plan Amendment Number: NPA-2023-0018.02
5. Committee Reports
a. Transportation
c. Communication
d. Public Safety
e. Zoning/Land Use -