October Brentwood Steering Committee Meeting


Topic: October Brentwood Steering Committee Meeting
Time: Oct 4, 2023 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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1. Welcome
2. Minutes  - Approval of August Meeting minutes

3. New Business

    A.Public Citizen talking about:  update to the Austin Energy Resource, Generation and Climate Protection Plan

    B.   Leslie Pool's resolution for 3 units on every lot and small lots and RV's as str's;  and removal of local occupancy regulations

4. Old Business
     Neighbors input into  3 zoning cases in Brentwood
    A. 5514 Grover, 5515 Roosevelt and Houston 
         The Applicant is proposing to rezone approximately 2.3313 acres from SF-3-NP; MF-4-NP to MF-6-NP. 
             1)Zoning Case Number:   C14-2023-0065
             2) Neighborhood Plan Amendment Number:  NPA-2023-0018.03
                 a) To be heard at planning commission on September 12, 2023   postponed
     B.  1902, 1904 and 1906 Ullrich  and 1911, 2001, 2003, 2005 and 2007 Koenig
           The Applicant is requesting to rezone approximately 1.6522 acres from LO-MU-NP, SF-3-NP to MF-6-NP
          1)  Zoning Case Number: C14-2023-0019
          2)  Neighborhood Plan Amendment Number:  NPA-2023-0018.02
                 a) To be heard at planning Commission on September 26,2023

 5. Committee Reports

a. Transportation

b. Finance
c. Communication
d. Public Safety
e. Zoning/Land Use -