December Brentwood Steering Committee Meeting

Topic: December Brentwood Steering Committee Meeting

Time: Dec 6, 2023 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 832 2987 6794

Passcode: 716266

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1. Welcome
2. Minutes  - Approval of November Meeting minutes

3. New Business

    A.   Luminarias

    B.   Report on It's My Park Day - Saturday November 4th

    C.  Thursday council meeting to change all SF-3 zoning in Brentwood to 21 units per acre, remove occupancy limits for unrelated people

4. Old Business
       Report on zoning cases approved by City Council 

 5. Committee Reports

a. Transportation

b. Finance
c. Communication
d. Public Safety
e. Zoning/Land Use -