We at AIDS Services of Austin (ASA) are contacting you because we would love to have a Brentwood Team participate in AIDS Walk Austin 2011 on Sunday, October 16 at 2 pm. The walk is a great way to promote teamwork within your community, raise awareness for HIV/AIDS, and help provide direct services and HIV prevention education to the people of Austin.
There are an estimated 6,000 people living with HIV and AIDS in Central Texas. About 20 percent of those 6,000 people are unaware of their status. We walk to honor, remember, and to raise funds to address this issue in our community. The money you help raise goes to AIDS Services of Austin and the fundraising teams of Austin’s other outstanding AIDS service and education providers! Of every dollar donated to ASA, 87% goes directly to services, a mark of good stewardship. There are no minimum fundraising requirements, and our staff provides you with online tools to make fundraising easy!
If your community would like to participate in AIDS Walk Austin 2011, all you need is a team captain and a team of walkers! The team captain can be any individual with a passion for community service or a personal connection to HIV/AIDS. The team captain can register your team by going to www.aidswalkaustin.org, and selecting “register”, then clicking on form a team; by calling us at 512-458-2437; or by emailing us at aidswalk@asaustin.org. If your potential team captain has questions, he/she can contact me at Jessie.Hurd@asaustin.org.
If there’s anything I can do for you between now and the Walk, or if I can answer any questions you might have, let me know. Thanks again for rising to the challenge of addressing AIDS together as a community!
Jessie Hurd
Walk Team Coordinator, Intern
Development Department
AIDS Services of Austin
(t) 512-406-6112
(f) 512-452-3299
We at AIDS Services of Austin (ASA) are contacting you because we would love to have a Brentwood Team participate in AIDS Walk Austin 2011 on Sunday, October 16 at 2 pm. The walk is a great way to promote teamwork within your community, raise awareness for HIV/AIDS, and help provide direct services and HIV prevention education to the people of Austin.
There are an estimated 6,000 people living with HIV and AIDS in Central Texas. About 20 percent of those 6,000 people are unaware of their status. We walk to honor, remember, and to raise funds to address this issue in our community. The money you help raise goes to AIDS Services of Austin and the fundraising teams of Austin’s other outstanding AIDS service and education providers! Of every dollar donated to ASA, 87% goes directly to services, a mark of good stewardship. There are no minimum fundraising requirements, and our staff provides you with online tools to make fundraising easy!
If your community would like to participate in AIDS Walk Austin 2011, all you need is a team captain and a team of walkers! The team captain can be any individual with a passion for community service or a personal connection to HIV/AIDS. The team captain can register your team by going to www.aidswalkaustin.org, and selecting “register”, then clicking on form a team; by calling us at 512-458-2437; or by emailing us at aidswalk@asaustin.org. If your potential team captain has questions, he/she can contact me at Jessie.Hurd@asaustin.org.
If there’s anything I can do for you between now and the Walk, or if I can answer any questions you might have, let me know. Thanks again for rising to the challenge of addressing AIDS together as a community!
Jessie Hurd
Walk Team Coordinator, Intern
Development Department
AIDS Services of Austin
(t) 512-406-6112
(f) 512-452-3299